About Us
We are what we eat! Now more than ever, this statement gains significance as a global pandemic has drawn the spotlight on health and immunity. The health crisis in our country demands that we focus on the basics again – Eating Healthy, Eating Smart, Eating Fresh! The health of a nation depends on the diet of its population, and Papua New Guinea is blessed with incredibly rich fresh produce.
The Eat Smart Campaign, backed by the PNG-Aus Partnership, created and produced by Pidgin Productions, is a movement determined to change the food landscape of the country. With a 13-epsiode TV Show, radio podcasts and talkback show, weekly newspaper articles, social media content and school outreach programmes, the campaign intends to create a positive narrative about locally sourced fresh produce, the farmers who make it possible and an all-new take on PNG cuisine. Chef Julz Henoa and Pidgin Productions work collaboratively to showcase how blessed PNG is in its agricultural and cultural diversity from the blues of the ocean to the depths of greenery.
The Eat Smart Campaign travels from Matupit to Rigo to Brown River to Markham to Bialla – bringing alive culture through the language of food!